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The Best Antidetect Browser for Affiliate Marketing

The Best Antidetect Browser for Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing has long ago become a full-fledged profession that requires not only a large amount of knowledge, but also the necessary set of tools. One of the main ones is the antidetect browser. There are many solutions on the market today, just because there is a demand for them. Surely, new ones will appear in the near future. Any popular antidetect browser will cope quite well with basic tasks like spoofing a digital fingerprint and multi accounting, but this may not be enough today. It is important to work quickly and efficiently. And we are talking about additional functions that allow you to achieve the goals in the shortest time possible.

Everything you need for affiliate marketing, and even much more, is available in Dolphin Anty. Many awards and 800 thousand of its users are ready to confirm this. In addition to creating unique and anonymous browser profiles, sorting them and managing them in bulk, many useful functions are also available to its users.

A cookie robot is an algorithm that will visit the necessary sites and collect cookies for your profiles so that they are as look alike as possible to the profiles of real users. All you need to do is click on the button, fill out the list of sites and wait a little bit for the process to complete. This usually takes no more than 5-10 minutes. After this, you can start registering strong accounts.

Automation Scenarios are predefined scripts that run automatically. You just open the interactive map and do everything you need in the constructor without any programming skills. This could be, for example, linking a card to a Facebook account. If there are few accounts, then doing everything manually is not a problem. And if there are a lot of them, your time savings will be enormous. You can also automate account farming, warming up, collecting comments and any other routine actions.

A Synchronizer is a solution for those actions that cannot be automated. It allows you to start several profiles at once and simultaneously perform the necessary actions in them. That is, clicking in one window, scrolling the page, printing text will be repeated in all others. This also speeds up working with profiles.

Since it is becoming more and more difficult to work in affiliate marketing alone, Dolphin Anty has all the functionality for team work. You can create teams and assign roles to its members: administrator, team lead, buyer, farmer, and also determine the level of access and rights.

Integration with Dolphin Cloud will allow you to automate and scale Facebook ADS in the most effective way possible. Thanks to it, launching 50 accounts will take only 20 minutes, and not several hours, as before.

Besides that Dolphin Cloud allows you to:

  • manage all advertising campaigns in one window;
  • assign permissions and roles to team members so that they only see what they are allowed to see;
  • set automatic rules to ensure that the budget is spent more efficiently and negative campaigns are disabled;
  • delete negative comments that decrease the quality of communication.

Dolphin Anty also has a free plan for 10 profiles, which is not limited in time and does not require linking of a credit card.

Try it right now and see for yourself that it is the #1 choice among affiliate marketers!



Affiliate marketing has long ago become a full-fledged profession that requires not only a large amount of knowledge, but also the necessary set of tools. One of the main ones is the antidetect browser. There are many solutions on the market today, just because there is a demand for them. Surely, new ones will appear in the near future. Any popular antidetect browser will cope quite well with basic tasks like spoofing a digital fingerprint and multi accounting, but this may not be enough today. It is important to work quickly and efficiently. And we are talking about additional functions that allow you to achieve the goals in the shortest time possible.

Everything you need for affiliate marketing, and even much more, is available in Dolphin Anty. Many awards and 800 thousand of its users are ready to confirm this. In addition to creating unique and anonymous browser profiles, sorting them and managing them in bulk, many useful functions are also available to its users.

A cookie robot is an algorithm that will visit the necessary sites and collect cookies for your profiles so that they are as look alike as possible to the profiles of real users. All you need to do is click on the button, fill out the list of sites and wait a little bit for the process to complete. This usually takes no more than 5-10 minutes. After this, you can start registering strong accounts.

Automation Scenarios are predefined scripts that run automatically. You just open the interactive map and do everything you need in the constructor without any programming skills. This could be, for example, linking a card to a Facebook account. If there are few accounts, then doing everything manually is not a problem. And if there are a lot of them, your time savings will be enormous. You can also automate account farming, warming up, collecting comments and any other routine actions.

A Synchronizer is a solution for those actions that cannot be automated. It allows you to start several profiles at once and simultaneously perform the necessary actions in them. That is, clicking in one window, scrolling the page, printing text will be repeated in all others. This also speeds up working with profiles.

Since it is becoming more and more difficult to work in affiliate marketing alone, Dolphin Anty has all the functionality for team work. You can create teams and assign roles to its members: administrator, team lead, buyer, farmer, and also determine the level of access and rights.

Integration with Dolphin Cloud will allow you to automate and scale Facebook ADS in the most effective way possible. Thanks to it, launching 50 accounts will take only 20 minutes, and not several hours, as before.

Besides that Dolphin Cloud allows you to:

  • manage all advertising campaigns in one window;
  • assign permissions and roles to team members so that they only see what they are allowed to see;
  • set automatic rules to ensure that the budget is spent more efficiently and negative campaigns are disabled;
  • delete negative comments that decrease the quality of communication.

Dolphin Anty also has a free plan for 10 profiles, which is not limited in time and does not require linking of a credit card.

Try it right now and see for yourself that it is the #1 choice among affiliate marketers!




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